Child Labor Policy

This child labor policy is based on the International Labor Organisation (ILO) conventions 138 and 182 and also national laws, and recognizes Precise Time and Frequency, LLC commitment to ensuring all employees are of the local minimum employment age, mandatory school age or aged 15 years, which ever is higher.

General Principal

Precise Time and Frequency, LLC does not accept child labor. Child labor is defined as work undertaken by a child which;
the child is legally prohibited from undertaking or is likely to be harmful to the Child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral, or social development; or interferes with a Child’s education.
Precise Time and Frequency, LLC supports the United Nations and ILO conventions specifying;

  • All actions concerning the child shall take full account of his or her best interests
  • The right of the child to be protected from economic exploitation, from preforming any work that is likely to be hazardous or interferes with the child’s education, or is harmful to a child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.


Precise Time and Frequency, LLC will take the appropriate measures to ensure no child labor occurs within the organization including all subcontractors and homeworkers contracted.
This includes but is not limited to;

  • Recruitment policies verifying age documentation of employees
  • Identification issuing and daily verification
  • Dissemination in contracts, policies and available documentation such as signage regarding child labor laws and company position on child labor

Young Workers

Precise Time and Frequency, LLC supports the legal employment of young workers in non-hazardous work, as per the ILO Convention.

Young workers of legal age have until the age of 18, the right to be protected from any type of employment or work deemed hazardous and likely to jeopardize the health, safety or morality of this worker including:

  • Night time work and extended working shifts. Limits on working hours
  • Overtime are set in accordance with local law and with special consideration of young workers ages

Register of Labor Force

Precise Time and Frequency, LLC will collect and maintain documentation from every worker verifying the age of each employee. This will be copies of original documents such as Identification cards, birth certificates, passports, visas etc. Precise Time and Frequency, LLC will not collect, or hold on to, original documentation for any reason.
Where such documentation is not available, all efforts will be made to assess and verify age of employees as per local practice or law.


If child labor is found within the workforce, Precise Time and Frequency, LLC will seek a resolution in the best interests of the child.

Precise Time and Frequency, LLC will work to develop a responsible solution including a corrective action plan to meet the needs of the child including ensuring they are not disadvantaged, are safe and not discriminated against because of their age.

These actions include, but are not limited too;

  • Ensuring the child discontinues work
  • Verifying age, home and family
  • Ensuring child is reunited with family and/r or relatives/community if this is a safe option
  • The development and implementation of a remediation plan considering the needs and desires of the child and their family
  • Ensuring the child has monetary provisions equal to their current wage, or legal minimum requirements for employment, which ever is higher, up until a date when they are no longer a child
  • Provide support through access to education, connection to an NGO or other partner organization to offer counselling, health services or any other necessary services to ensure the welfare of the child.
  • Explanation of the legal requirements and restictions on working ages of children and assurance, if they wish, they will be reemployed when they reach age
  • No child found working at Precise Time and Frequency, LLC will be disrespected, discriminated against, or threatened during the process of remediation.
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